
I love video games, ladies,
& writing about both.


  • they/them

  • lifelong avid gamer

  • art nerd

  • not even remotely straight

  • multishipper supreme

  • permanent resident of rarepair hell

  • chugging "respect ladies" juice daily

  • juggling one too many plot bunnies

  • forever flipping off canon

transformative works policy

If you are interested in remixing, podficcing, translating, creating fanart, or creating secondary fanwork of any fic I have posted, consider this a thumbs up from me to you! No need to ask my permission ahead of time. All I ask is that you link back to my work and credit me. Also, I'd love to see what you did and share it on the associated fic!For podfics, if you need to tweak some words to improve the flow of the audio, go for it.However, you do not have permission to archive any of my fics. Please do not copy-paste my fics onto another platform, regardless if you claim it as your own or not.You also do not have permission to feed my writing into any AI-learning bullshit. Full stop.

frequently asked questions

What do you use for writing?
Scrivener for drafting/editing, Slick Write for line editing, and Word for final proofreading
Do you listen to anything when writing?
While drafting, I stick with quieter instrumental songs. While editing, I like more lo-fi/synthwave beats (also instrumental).
How do you write so much?
A combination of constant brainrot, ADHD meds, and spite. Ok but legit? A lot of practice. Keep chipping away at something every day and it will develop into a habit.
Any writing tips?
The first draft is always you telling yourself the story. Screw all writing tips during that first draft and just get it out of your head (you can fix it later). Be as unapologetically self-indulgent as possible. Remember to take breaks. If an idea hits you, write it down because no, you will NOT remember it in an hour. Who cares if your first draft is shit; take that shit, turn it into manure, and let your story bloom.
Will you write more for (insert character/ship/fandom here)?
Maybe! My interests shift over time, so it's difficult to predict what I'll write more of, but I'll never say no to writing about my faves.
Can you write (insert specific story idea here)?
I do not take unsolicited prompts. Sometimes I'll open up prompts via Twitter/Tumblr once in a blue moon, but that's it.
Can I commission you for a fic?
While I'm flattered, I do not accept payment in exchange for a fic.
Can we do a collab?
Unless we are close friends, I am not available for collaborative creations.
Can I gift you something on AO3?
Sure! My account is set to welcome any gifts.
Can you read something I wrote?
While I'd love to read everything sent my way, my time and energy are limited, thus I cannot promise I'll specifically read your story.

works in progress

This is for multichapter fics being actively worked on (or else this would be a neverending wall o' text of my dream ideas) outside of events, exchanges, & zines.Last updated: July 1, 2024


Kintsugi Kids
10% complete
No Deimos/Sentinels AU
Pick Me Up (Put Me Down)
36% complete
Post-canon Natsuno-centric friendship
Untitled Bos/Ryza Fic
42% complete
Pre-canon Bos/Ryza


Until Next We Meet
75% complete
Teredio Modern day reincarnation AU


Until Next We Meet
1 of 4 chapters
Updates sporadically